Beato Beat
Along Came Fran
Beato Chocolates Finds a Chocolatier.
Along Came Fran
Beato Chocolates Finds a Chocolatier.
In Search of a Chocolatier
Young Company Seeking a Person to Make Chocolate.
In Search of a Chocolatier
Young Company Seeking a Person to Make Chocolate.
Happy Holidays
Our Favorite Time of the Year
Happy Holidays
Our Favorite Time of the Year
The Kitchen
Beato Chocolates upgrades to a commercial kitchen.
The Kitchen
Beato Chocolates upgrades to a commercial kitchen.
I'm a Chocolatier
Heather Tries to Make Chocolate
I'm a Chocolatier
Heather Tries to Make Chocolate
The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Heather & Lisa Acquire the Rights to License Beato's Artwork
The Beatrice Wood Center for the Arts
Heather & Lisa Acquire the Rights to License Beato's Artwork