Moving Day, 2023

Ooops, forgot to get permission for the group photo.

It's not about mutual growth, support, respect, and understanding; the true barometer of love is moving day. Casually drop the fact that you have a kitchen filled with packed boxes, and you’ll quickly find out exactly how your loved one’s feel about you. Lisa and I were at a friend’s dinner party and, sometime between the small talk and local gossip, I announced that Beato Chocolates had outgrown the kitchen that we shared with Sanders & Sons Gelato. That bit of news was received with congratulations and well wishes. And then, I slipped in that the following day we were scheduled to move all our machinery and supplies to the new space. In response, two friend’s offered use of their trucks, another volunteered to lift boxes, and Lisa suggested I hire someone to help me.

The next day six women moved five tempering machines, 30 bins of chocolate molds, 15 boxes of equipment and 1000 pounds of chocolate in less than two hours. When we say that we are a women-owned and women-inspired company we aren’t just stating a fact, we are proclaiming our pride, and expressing our gratitude.
Stay tuned,
Co-Founder of Beato Chocolates

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